
Rectal Prolapse Surgery Billing Codes Guide

Rectal prolapse surgery is a complex procedure that requires accurate coding for billing and reimbursement purposes. Proper understanding and application of the correct billing codes are crucial for medical billing companies to ensure accurate claims submission and timely reimbursement. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various aspects of rectal prolapse surgery billing codes, including the procedures involved, common codes used, and tips for accurate billing.

Understanding Rectal Prolapse Surgery

Rectal prolapse surgery, also known as rectopexy or proctopexy, is a surgical procedure performed to repair a protrusion of the rectum through the anus. This condition can cause discomfort, pain, and complications in bowel movements. There are different types of rectal prolapse surgery, including:

Abdominal Rectopexy

Abdominal rectopexy involves fixing the rectum back into its normal position through an abdominal incision. This procedure is usually performed for full-thickness rectal prolapse and is often combined with other procedures such as sigmoid resection.

Perineal Rectosigmoidectomy

Perineal rectosigmoidectomy is a procedure where the prolapsed rectum is removed through an incision in the perineum. This approach is typically used for elderly or high-risk patients who cannot tolerate abdominal surgery.

Common Billing Codes for Rectal Prolapse Surgery

Accurate coding for rectal prolapse surgery is essential for proper reimbursement. Here are some of the most common CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) codes used for rectal prolapse surgery:

CPT Code 45130 – Rectopexy, abdominal, with sigmoidectomy

This code is used for abdominal rectopexy with sigmoid resection, often performed in cases of rectal prolapse with significant sigmoid involvement.

CPT Code 45135 – Rectopexy, abdominal, with or without sigmoidectomy, including levatorplasty, when performed

This code includes abdominal rectopexy with or without sigmoid resection, with levatorplasty when performed. It is used when additional procedures are necessary during rectopexy.

CPT Code 45400 – Sigmoidectomy

This code is used for sigmoidectomy alone, without rectopexy, in cases where only sigmoid resection is performed.

CPT Code 45550 – Proctectomy, partial; with rectopexy

This code is used for partial proctectomy with rectopexy, where a portion of the rectum is removed along with rectopexy.

ICD-10 Codes for Rectal Prolapse

In addition to CPT codes, ICD-10 codes are used to specify the diagnosis of rectal prolapse. Here are some common ICD-10 codes used for rectal prolapse:

  • ICD-10 Code K62.3 – Rectal prolapse
  • ICD-10 Code K62.4 – Rectal prolapse with bleeding
  • ICD-10 Code K62.5 – Rectal prolapse without mention of bleeding

Tips for Accurate Billing

Accurate billing for rectal prolapse surgery can be challenging due to the complexity of the procedures involved. Here are some tips to ensure accurate billing:

Detailed Documentation

Ensure that all medical records and operative notes are detailed and specific. This includes the type of surgery performed, any additional procedures, and the reason for performing the surgery.

Correct Coding

Use the most specific CPT and ICD-10 codes that accurately describe the services provided and the patient’s condition. This helps prevent claim denials and delays in reimbursement.

Compliance with Guidelines

Follow all coding guidelines and payer-specific requirements to avoid billing errors. This includes understanding global periods, bundled payments, and modifiers.

Regular Training and Updates

Keep your billing staff updated with regular training sessions on new codes, updates to guidelines, and changes in billing regulations.

Additional Procedures in Rectal Prolapse Surgery

In addition to the main procedures mentioned earlier, rectal prolapse surgery may involve other associated procedures that also require specific billing codes:


CPT Code 45560 – Levatorplasty, repair of rectal prolapse.

Levatorplasty is often performed as part of rectal prolapse surgery to correct anatomical defects and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

Anorectal Manometry

CPT Code 91122 – Anorectal manometry, including balloon expulsion test.

Anorectal manometry may be performed before or after surgery to assess rectal function, which is essential for planning and evaluating the outcomes of rectal prolapse surgery.

Transanal Resection of Rectum

CPT Code 45136 – Transanal excision or resection of rectum.

This code is used for the transanal removal of a portion of the rectum, which may be necessary in cases where the prolapse is confined to the lower rectum.

Coding Challenges and Solutions

Multiple Procedures

When multiple procedures are performed during rectal prolapse surgery, it’s crucial to use the appropriate bundling and modifier codes to avoid underbilling or overbilling. Payers have specific guidelines on how to report these procedures.

Global Periods

Understand the global surgical package and global periods associated with rectal prolapse surgery codes. Post-operative care may be included in the global period, affecting subsequent billing for related services.


Use of appropriate modifiers is essential to indicate when procedures are bilateral, staged, or when services are provided by multiple surgeons. For example:

Modifier 51 – Multiple procedures.

Modifier 59 – Distinct procedural service.

Reimbursement and Insurance Considerations

Medicare Guidelines

Medicare provides specific guidelines and reimbursement rates for rectal prolapse surgery codes. Understanding Medicare’s policies is crucial for accurate billing and reimbursement.

Private Payers

Private insurance companies may have their own rules and guidelines for reimbursing rectal prolapse surgery procedures. Verify with each payer the specific codes and documentation requirements.

Documentation Requirements

Accurate and detailed documentation is essential for rectal prolapse surgery billing. Ensure that medical records include:

Preoperative evaluation and diagnosis.

Operative notes detailing the procedures performed.

Post-operative notes, including any complications or follow-up care.


Proper billing and coding for rectal prolapse surgery are essential to ensure accurate reimbursement and compliance with regulatory standards. Medical billing companies play a crucial role in assisting healthcare providers in this process. By understanding the procedures involved, using correct codes, and maintaining compliance with guidelines, billing professionals can help healthcare providers focus on delivering quality patient care without financial concerns.

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